school security guard

School security includesall measures taken to addressthreats to people and property in the educationalenvironment. The term relatedto school safety is school safety. This is defined as protecting students from violence, bullying, and evenharmful factors such as drugs and the activities ofgangsters. Schools, among other public places, are exposed to external attacks and attacks from students and teachers due to the high traffic and victims of potential attackers. school security guard

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School shootings have increased by450% over the last30 years, but only 53 shots.School bombings are less common, with22 cases in 2016, according to US bomb data centers,but educational facilities are more thantwice as vulnerable as any other target. Middle school, middle school and high school account for more than74% of education-related threats. Due to security threats, 93% of public schools reportedly locked or monitoreddoors and gates to control admission in 2013-2014.Thisis an 18% increase fromthe turn of the century. Metal detectors are installed at the entrances of manypublic schools, discouraging students from bringing guns to school.

The increasing activity of gangsters and drugsin our school, among other security threats, has increased thepresence of police on theschool grounds. In 2014,the National Institute for Educational Policy Research reported that 43% of USschools have school resource officers on campus from once a week to full-time.School resource officers, also known as S.R.O., are often responsible for teaching students a gait resistance program. Thisprogram is commonly known as G.R.E.A.T. Ithas been shown to be 39% effective in preventingendangered youth from engagingin gang and gang-related activities.

Some of these S.R.O.s are accompanied by dogs trained in drugand bomb sniffing. This canbe particularly useful in collegedrug culture, but it is highly controversial as somebelieve it could violate the revised law of Article 4(and in some cases Article 5). It is a problem. Researchers have found that minority students inpoor urban schools are more likelyto face invasive police investigationsthan students in wealthysuburban schools, so S.R.O. There is also concern that thepractice of is different depending on the type of student population.In places like the United States, this cancontribute to the criminalization of thepoor incolor and the pipeline of school prisons. Read more...